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Cobra-Lite Aluminum Hand Truck

Price: $274.30

Model Number: 420-T18-R3 Dimensions: 52"H

8" x 1.625" Moldon Rubber Wheels, 600 lb cap

*Images may or may not be your exact model. Images are for reference only.

Cobra-Lite Aluminum Hand Truck


All aluminum construction.

Heavy duty cast 7.5" x 14" or 7.5" x 18" wide nose plate options.
Quality light weight truck at an economical price.
Ships knocked down and boxed or as components.
All 2" wide cross braces for additional strength. Great for advertising label.
Assembly option available. Add "-A" to Part # below. Example: 220566-A.

cobra lite aluminum hand trucks
Continuous handle.
49" overall height.
Most popular model.
Available with vinyl dipped handle.
As shown: 410-T14-R3
Overall Dimensions
w: 18"
h: 49"
d: 20

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  BC10 R3 Z Z2 P PE
Hub: Poly Hub Aluminum Offset Steel Offset Poly Offset Steel Offset Steel Offset
Dimensions: 10" x 3.5" 8" x 1.625" 10" x 2.75" 10" x 2.75" 10" x 3.5" 10" x 3.5"
Wheel Type: Balloon Cushion Moldon Rubber Semi-Pneumatic Solid Rubber Pneumatic Pneumatic
  balloon cushion  mold on rubber   semi pneumatic  solid rubber  pneumatic  pneumatic
T14" Nose
Part # 220562 220332 220321 220370 220322 220375
Model # 410-T14-BC10 410-T14-R3 410-T14-Z 410-T14-Z2 410-T14-P 410-T14-PE
Capacity 560 lbs. 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs
Weight 25 lbs. 19.5 lbs 27.5 lbs 26 lbs 22.5 lbs 21 lbs
T18" Nose
Part # 220563 220392 220381 220396 220382 220365
Model # 410-T18-BC10 410-T18-R3 410-T18-Z 410-T18-Z2 410-T18-P 410-T18-PE
Capacity 560 lbs. 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs
Weight 26 lbs. 20.5 lbs 28.5 lbs 27 lbs 23.5 lbs 22 lbs

aluminum hand trucks
High back pin handle.
Comfortable vinyl hand grip.
52" overall height.
As shown: 420-T18-P
Overall Dimensions
w: 18"
h: 52"
d: 20

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  BC10 R3 Z Z2 P PE
Hub: Poly Hub Aluminum Offset Steel Offset Poly Offset Steel Offset Steel Offset
Dimensions: 10" x 3.5" 8" x 1.625" 10" x 2.75" 10" x 2.75" 10" x 3.5" 10" x 3.5"
Wheel Type: Balloon Cushion Moldon Rubber Semi-Pneumatic Solid Rubber Pneumatic Pneumatic
  balloon cushion  moldon rubber   semin-pneumatic  solid rubber  pneumatic  pneumatic
T14" Nose
Part # 220564 220333 220324 220371 220325 220376
Model # 420-T14-BC10 420-T14-R3 420-T14-Z 420-T14-Z2 420-T14-P 420-T14-PE
Capacity 560 lbs. 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs
Weight 25 lbs. 19.5 lbs 27.5 lbs 26 lbs 22.5 lbs 21 lbs
T18" Nose
Part # 220565 220393 220384 220397 220385 220366
Model # 420-T18-BC10 420-T18-R3 420-T18-Z 420-T18-Z2 420-T18-P 420-T18-PE
Capacity 560 lbs. 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs
Weight 26 lbs. 20.5 lbs 28.5 lbs 27 lbs 23.5 lbs 22 lbs

lite aluminum hand trucks
Twin handle style with vinyl grips.
49" overall height.
As shown: 450-T14-R3
Overall Dimensions
w: 18"
h: 49"
d: 20

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  BC10 R3 Z Z2 P PE
Hub: Poly Hub Aluminum Offset Steel Offset Poly Offset Steel Offset Steel Offset
Dimensions: 10" x 3.5" 8" x 1.625" 10" x 2.75" 10" x 2.75" 10" x 3.5" 10" x 3.5"
Wheel Type: Balloon Cushion Moldon Rubber Semi-Pneumatic Solid Rubber Pneumatic Pneumatic
  balloon cushion  moldon rubber   semi pneumatic  solid rubber  pneumatic  pneumatic
T14" Nose
Part # 220566 220334 220327 220372 220328 220377
Model # 450-T14-BC10 450-T14-R3 450-T14-Z 450-T14-Z2 450-T14-P 450-T14-PE
Capacity 560 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs
Weight 25 lbs 20 lbs 28 lbs 26.5 lbs 23 lbs 21.5 lbs
T18" Nose
Part # 220567 220394 220387 220398 220388 220367
Model # 450-T18-BC10 450-T18-R3 450-T18-Z 450-T18-Z2 450-T18-P 450-T18-PE
Capacity 560 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs
Weight 26 lbs 21 lbs 29 lbs 27.5 lbs 24 lbs 22.5 lbs

cobra hand trucks
Twin handle style with vinyl grips.
52" overall height.
As shown: 470-T14-P
Overall Dimensions
w: 18"
h: 52"
d: 20

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  BC10 R3 Z Z2 P PE
Hub: Poly Hub Aluminum Offset Steel Offset Poly Offset Steel Offset Steel Offset
Dimensions: 10" x 3.5" 8" x 1.625" 10" x 2.75" 10" x 2.75" 10" x 3.5" 10" x 3.5"
Wheel Type: Balloon Cushion Moldon Rubber Semi-Pneumatic Solid Rubber Pneumatic Pneumatic
  balloon cushion  moldon rubber   semi pneumatic  solid rubber  pneumatic  pneumatic
T14" Nose
Part # 220568 220335 220330 220373 220331 220378
Model # 470-T14-BC10 470-T14-R3 470-T14-Z 470-T14-Z2 470-T14-P 470-T14-PE
Capacity 560 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs
Weight 25 lbs 20 lbs 28 lbs 26.5 lbs 23 lbs 21.5 lbs
T18" Nose
Part # 220569 220395 220390 220399 220391 220368
Model # 470-T18-BC10 470-T18-R3 470-T18-Z 470-T18-Z2 470-T18-P 470-T18-PE
Capacity 560 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs 600 lbs
Weight 26 lbs 21 lbs 29 lbs 27.5 lbs 24 lbs 22.5 lbs

Cobra-Lite Aluminum Hand Truck Options

When ordering by part # add option part # to truck part #. For example: 220320,220351
When ordering by model #, add option model # to truck model #. For example: 410-T14-R2-S3K.
Cobra-Lite Folding Nose, Top Extension and Brake Options
folding nose top txtensions boxed brake
Folding Nose
Top Extension
Boxed Brake
Cobra-Lite Stairglide and Stairclimber Options
stair glide
Steel w/Wearstrip
Stairglide Options
Cast Aluminum

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Description Part # Model # Price Part # Model # Price
Folding nose for T-14 & T-18 nose plates Field Install Kit Factory Installed
20" Long 220346
30" Long 220343
Top extensions for 410 & 450 models Field Install Kit Factory Installed
44" High 220347
52" High 220080
60" High 220081
68" High 220094
Deluxe cast aluminum stairglides Field Installed Factory Installed
Stairglide pair without wearstrips 220349
Stairglide pair with wearstrips 220351
Stairclimbing Attachments
Steel stairglide pair with wearstrips 220340
Cast aluminum stairclimber pair with continuous
rolling belt (8" wheel only)
Wearstrip 121101 -
Cobra-Lite Aluminum Hand Truck, All Aluminum Construction, Capacity: 600 lbs, Continuous Handle, Moldon Rubber,
Semi-Pneumatic, Solid Rubber, Pneumatic, High Back Pin Handle, Twin Handle, Vinyl Grips, Folding Nose, Top Extension,
Boxed Brake, Stairglide, and Stairclimber from your source for material handling equipment.